The Forum for Agricultural Engineering Innovations
Erscheinungsdatum: 25.02.2022
Reihe: VDI-Berichte
Band Nummer: 2395
Ort: Düsseldorf
ISBN: 978-3-18-092395-6
ISSN: 0083-5560
Erscheinungsjahr: 2022
Anzahl Seiten: 576
Produktart: PDF-Datei
Electrical Agricultural Machines
Structuring of electrified agricultural machine systems – Diversity of solutions and analysis methods …..1
GridCON2 – Development of a Cable Drum Vehicle Concept to Power 1MW Fully Electric Agricultural Swarms ….. 11
GridCON Swarm – Development of a Grid Connected Fully Autonomous Agricultural Production System ….. 17
Fully electric Tractor with 1000 kWh battery capacity ….. 23
Soil and Modelling
The Integration of a Scientific Soil Compaction Risk Indicator (TERRANIMO) into a Holistic Tractor and Implement Optimization System (CEMOS) …..29
Identification of draft force characteristics for a tillage tine with variable geometry ….. 37
Calibration of soil models within the Discrete Element Method (DEM) ….. 45
Automation and Optimization of Working Speed and Depth in Agricultural Soil Tillage with a Model Predictive Control based on Machine Learning ….. 55
Synchronising machine adjustments of combine harvesters for higher fleet performance ….. 65
A generic approach to bridge the gap between route optimization and motion planning for specific guidance points of highly automated machines ….. 71
Efficient Multi-Robot Path Planning for Autonomous Weed Control on Complex Field Configurations ….. 79
Automatic residue spreading control based on radar sensing technology on a combine harvester … 87
Robotics in Weed Control
Dual use sensor array for crop management in arable farming by CIELab color space – detection of N supply and plant discrimination ….. 97
Selective weed control in grassland using high-pressure water jets ….. 105
Practice of autonomous field robotics compared to a tractor-implement-combination for the example of mechanical weed control ….. 111
Automated Droplet Size and Rate Control via Electromechanically Actuated Variable-Orifice Nozzles and Boom Pressure ….. 117
R. A. Rohrer, J. D. Luck, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE, USAf Hydraulic systems Increased Dynamics and System Efficiency with Position-Controlled Hydraulic Cylinder ….. 125
Development of hydraulic drive systems in the context of electrified work machines ….. 133
Hybrid and full-electric solution for Telescopic Handler ….. 147
Localization with a ground penetrating radar in harsh agricultural environments ….. 153
Evaluation of perception sensors for safety of highly automated machine operations ….. 163
Innovative surround sensing conquers the agricultural market! Vision System – a pioneering sensor system for diverse use ….. 171
Concept of a Test Environment for the Automated Evaluation of Algorithms for Robust and Reliable Environment Perception ….. 177
A Study on Improving Cross-Company Co-Operation by Systems Engineering Implementation and Application ….. 185
Frugal Innovation – “Doing more with less” ….. 193
Aspects of sustainability improvement in the design of future agricultural systems …. 203
Validation Principles of Agricultural Machine Multibody Dynamics Models ….. 219
Quantification of operator assist features’ impact on grain cart operation ….. 227
Automatic adjustment of auger headers with variable table length to improve a continuous crop flow and reduce pickup grain losses of a combine harvester ….. 235
Compact cooling system set-up with an innovative pre-cleaning solution for a mid-range combine harvester application ….. 243
Decision Support
Private mobile ad hoc communications and the application in LANDNETZ ….. 251
N-Time: An Automated Decision Support System for Sensor-Based Fertigation Management ….. 259
Generating High-Definition As-Applied Maps for Pneumatic Fertilizer Application Equipment ….. 265
A Modular Approach for a Dialog Based Assistance System to Adjust and Optimize Machines and Machine Combinations for Different Agricultural Applications ….. 273
Management of Grassland
Spot spraying broad-leaved dock plants in meadows ….. 279
Tractor-mounted implement with section control and small-scale robot: Monte Carlo-based scenario analysis for effective weed control in extensive grassland ….. 285
Estimation of grassland yield from satellite data with ANN based transfer learning ….. 293
Stereo camera-based method for grassland yield estimation ….. 301
Analysis of abrasive wear of tillage tools on both macro- and microscopic level ….. 309
Combi-mulcher – Development of a modular biomass processing and soil blending system …. 317
A tyre integrated sensor to monitor real time soil physical properties ….. 327
New Tire Technologies vs� Tracks – A Controlled Field Investigation to Assess Productivity ….. 335
Yield observation outlier detection with unsupervised machine learning in harvest machines ….. 343
Multi-Sensor Data Fusion with Fuzzy Knowledge-based Controller for Collision Avoidance of a Mobile Robot ….. 349
Fundamental Concept for Highly Automated Implements with Distinct Regard To Process Automation ….. 359
S. Röttgermann, S. Haverkamp, LEMKEN GmbH & Co. KG, Alpenf Electric Applications Latest technology solutions for Charging and e-Machines – how off-road and agriculture applications can benefit from automotive innovations ….. 365
Tractor equipped with an external electric generator combined with electric powered Sprayer and Mulcher performances evaluation ….. 381
Airblast sprayer electrification for real-time, continuous fan-airflow adjustment according to canopy density during pesticide application in 3D crops ….. 389
Networks and Bus Systems
AEF Wireless In-Field Communication – Common Coverage Map as a first application for interoperable cooperative field work ….. 397
Lost, but reconnected virtually – AEF ISOBUS Plugfest is back and better than ever ….. 405
Farming 4�0 ready telematics unit for basic, non-intelligent agricultural machines….. 413
AEF – Agricultural Interoperability Network ….. 419
Alternative Fuels
Applicability Evaluations of Methane based Powertrain and Energy Storage Systems on High Performance Harvesting Machine Applications … 423
Challenges in the Use of Alternative Fuels: Solutions to handle Boil-Off Gas in Agricultural Machines ….. 431
The Multifuel Tractor – A Flexible Fuel Option to Reduce Fossil Fuel Consumption ….. 441
Adaptive control of a self-propelled sugar beet harvester ….. 447
Influence of design and operating parameters on crop-flow characteristics in a self-propelled forage harvester (SPFH) using experimental and numerical methods ….. 457
Current Developments and Challenges in the Range of Tractor Mounted Forage Harvesters ….. 465
Machine operation task analysis – A deeper look into the shift of task profiles within operating agricultural cyber-physical production systems ….. 473
Virtual CAN Network for Remote Development of ISOBUS Devices …..485
The importance of data quality assessment for machinery data in the field of agriculture ….. 495
Data Analysis and Exchange
FMIS evaluation and user experience within “Landnetz” ….. 501
Data Spaces in Agriculture – Status Quo and Perspectives ….. 511
Analysis of the tractor behavior on a powertrain test bed for tractor-specific maneuvers …..521
Feasibility study of an idling-stop device on agricultural tractors ….. 529
ISOBUS and Networks
Artificial Intelligence based Grainloss Calculator and Real Time Connected APP ….. 535
Faster CAN for better interplay with highspeed ISOBUS ….. 541
AEF – High Speed ISOBUS – Technology Readiness for a Next Generation Network ….. 551
Keywords: Electrical Agricultural Machines, GridCon2, tractor, scientific soil compaction, soil model, discrete element method, agricultural soil tillage, machine learning, macine adjustment, harvester, fleet performance, autonomous weed control, off-road and agricultural applications, fan-airflow adjustment, in-field-communication, alternative fuels, multifuel tractor, Electrical Agricultural Machines, GridCon2, tractor, scientific soil compaction, soil model, discrete element method, agricultural soil tillage, machine learning, macine adjustment, harvester, fleet performance, autonomous weed control, off-road and agricultural applications, fan-airflow adjustment, in-field-communication, alternative fuels, multifuel tractor
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