Erscheinungsdatum: 06.11.2024
Reihe: VDI-Berichte
Band Nummer: 2444
Ort: Osnabrück
ISBN: 978-3-18-092444-1
ISSN: 0083-5560
Erscheinungsjahr: 2024
Anzahl Seiten: 390
Produktart: PDF-Datei
Vehicle Guidance
Track Planning – an implements point of view 1
Guiding principles and challenges in the context of environment
perception and geofencing in the agricultural application domain 7
Automatic track guidance in high-standing maize crops 15
AEF – Digital Camera Systems – A new project team working
on an AEF Functionality for High Speed ISOBUS 21
Introducing the AEF Autonomy in Ag project 29
Integrating High-Speed Data Communication via
Automotive Ethernet with a Service-Oriented Architecture
Established using SOME/IP in Agricultural Machinery 37
ISOBUS Migration From CAN to Ethernet – Doing it Right
From the Beginning 43
Innovations through AI Technologies
Green revolution – AI for precise weed and pest control 49
Accelerating the AI lifecycle with the AgriGaia-Platform
Presentation of a modular platform concept used to support
AI developers, based on open-source software 63
Edge-Cloud Intelligence and AI for Large-scale
Agricultural Production Systems 69
Data Integration in Agricultural Engineering
Facilitating seamless collaboration: Secure decentralized group
management in interoperable wireless in-field communications 75
Current situation and challenges of automatization standards in
farm machinery and FMIS from a dealer perspective
Future development of agricultural machinery dealer business 81
Decentral and Central Technologies combined to one
„DataXChange System“ 87
EU Data Act: Data governance as an enabler 97
Energy Solutions and Ergonomics Assessment
Fuel cell electric agricultural tractor FCTRAC: operation strategy,
homologation, benchmarking, and field testing 103
Is fast charging relevant and beneficial for agricultural machinery? 113
Evaluation of adaptive operating concepts on agricultural tractors
in a laboratory test rig to assess cognitive and physical ergonomics 119
Combine Harvester
Modelling two-dimensional Separation Approach for Rotor
Units of Combine Harvesters
Combining Böttingers Separation Model and Wackers Crop Flow
Model to a two-dimensional Separation Model for Rotor Units 127
Digital Twins in Agricultural Engineering
Benefits in Developing New Combine Harvester Concepts 133
Study on the use of DEM for the threshing process 139
Networking and Automation
Radio technologies for infrastructureless M2M communication
for Ag applications around the world 147
Field Trials and Evaluation Methods for Sensors used in Perception
Systems for Autonomous Machinery with Respect to SOTIF 159
Operation and investigation of adaptive mesh networks to
increase the connectivity of agricultural machinery 169
Process Automation
SpeeDiFlow – Non-invasive Measurement of Air Speed and Direction
A robust Sensor for Particle-Laden Flows 179
Field evaluation insights of a novel optical sorting approach suitable
for mobile operation on a potato harvester 187
Tillage Quality Measurement: Surface Roughness Analysis
using Height Profiles 195
Parameter Measurement in Farming
Fusing SAR and Weather with Physics-Inspired ML for Improved
Soil Moisture Estimation 205
Systematic Data Selection for Enhanced Nutrient Prediction and
Monitoring in Manure Using NIR 215
Detection of Rumex spp. in Grassland using Multispectral Images
and Deep Learning 223
Long term validation for app based chop quality estimation
for silage maize 229
Digital Innovation
Unpacking the opportunities and limitations of data spaces in agriculture 235
Potential of agricultural machinery data for the evaluation of travel times 243
Training neural networks for tramline detection in an autonomous
driving tractor using synthetic images 249
CF-Plough – An innovative solution for climate protection,
soil fertility and yield security 255
Potential for increasing the efficiency of active soil tillage in crops,
which are cultivated in ridges 263
A new approach of in-row-weeding sugar beets – using high
pressure water jets and GNSS-locations of the crops 269
Innovative Technologies
V-Model Approach for Developing Safe Environment Perception
Systems for Autonomous Machinery 275
Precise trunk localization using the example of in-row weeding in
vineyards 283
Field Path Detection for Tractors Based on Acceleration
Measurements and Multibody System Simulations 289
Implementation of a real-time plant detector for a selective grassland
weeding machine using high-pressure water jets 297
Sustainable Energy and Irrigation Systems
Production and utilization of methane from cowshed gas on farms 303
Draft force evaluation of a deep ploughing technology for the
installation of geothermal collectors under arable land 311
Holistic concept of technical solutions for subsurface drip irrigation
of major crops in humid central European growing conditions 317
Assistant and Safety Concepts
Integration of a safety concept for an autonomous agricultural machine 323
Low-Cost, Rapid Development of Object Detectors for Automation
of Agriculture
Knowledge Distillation of GroundingDINO is Strong Pretraining 333
Applicable Safety Tests for Automated Agricultural Machinery and Robots
Operational Design Domains and Dynamic Driving Tasks as Key to
Functional Safety 341
TIM-Ready Trailer for Harvest Operations
ISOBUS-ready Trailer for Harvest-Automation and -Documentation 347
Sensor Technologies
Radar and ultrasonic systems from Bosch Engineering for
automated agricultural machinery 353
Sensor breakthrough? Detection of invisible damages on potatoes
before blackspot develops shown for multiple maturity stages and
varieties using a tactile sensing technique 363
Development of a supplement to a test standard for evaluating the
guidance accuracy and working quality of sensor-based technologies
for weed control by use of AI 369
Keywords: Fahrzeug Lenkung, KI Technologien, Datenintegration, Landtechnik, Energie Lösungen, ergonomische Einschätzung, Mähdrescher, digitaler Zwilling, Automation, Farming, digitale Innovation, Kultivierung, nachhaltige Energie, vehicle guidance, AI technologies, data integration, agricultaral engineering, energy solutions, ergonomics assessment, combine harvester, digital twins, automation, farming, digital innovation, cultivation, sustainable energy
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