Model-based and Experimental Analysis of Transient Electrodialysis Processes

Typ: Fortschritt-Berichte VDI
Erscheinungsdatum: 29.09.2016
Reihe: 3
Band Nummer: 949
Autor: Dipl.-Ing. Matthias Johannink
Ort: Köln
ISBN: 978-3-18-394903-8
ISSN: 0178-9403
Erscheinungsjahr: 2016
Anzahl Seiten: 190
Anzahl Abbildungen: 61
Anzahl Tabellen: 25
Produktart: Buch (paperback, DINA5)


This thesis is concerned with the integration of a model-based and experimental analysis for the systematic investigation of transient electrodialysis (ED) processes. In this context a mechanistic process model for transient ED systems is developed which is based on a rigorous dynamic description of the underlying ionic transport processes. Important requirements for a systematic model development are elaborated in a systematic manner. This includes the development of a new method for the characterization of partial differential-algebraic equations and an experimental sensitivity analysis of a transient electrodialysis system. The findings can easily be generalized to related electrochemical processes such as fuel cells or batteries. By this means this work provides important results for scientist and engineers in the fields of mechanistic modeling, electromembrane processes and electrochemical systems.

Keywords: Electrodialysis, Transient processes, Modelling, Ionic mass transport, Partial differential-algebraic equations, Index analysis, Model-based and experimental analysis, High performance computing, Electrodialysis, Transient processes, Modelling, Ionic mass transport, Partial differential-algebraic equations, Index analysis, Model-based and experimental analysis, High performance computing

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