Partitioned Solution Strategies for Strongly-Coupled Fluid-Structure Interaction Problems in Maritime Applications

Erscheinungsdatum: 20.08.2018
Reihe: 18
Band Nummer: 351
Autor: M.Sc. Marcel König
Ort: Hamburg
ISBN: 978-3-18-335118-3
ISSN: 0178-9457
Erscheinungsjahr: 2018
Anzahl Seiten: 278
Anzahl Abbildungen: 130
Anzahl Tabellen: 21
Produktart: Buch (paperback, DINA5)
Eine sehr interessante und umfangreiche Arbeit aus der „Arbeitsgruppe Numerische Strukturanalyse mit Anwendungen in der Schiffstechnik“ aus dem Institut „M-10“ der Technischen Universität Hamburg – das lohnt sich!.
Many engineering applications are governed by coupled multifield phenomena. In this thesis, a partitioned solution approach is followed to solve these kind of problems, which does not only enable the use of different discretization schemes for each of the subproblems but also allows to reuse specialized and efficient solvers, which enhances modularity, software reusability, and performance. A framework for the partitioned analysis of general multifield problems is proposed and implemented in the generic software library comana, which is verified against various benchmark problems and successfully applied to sophisticated fluid-structure interaction problems from the maritime industry.
Keywords: Multifield Problems, Fluid-Structure Interaction, Partitioned Solution Approach, Maritime Applications, Floating Offshore Wind Turbines, Landing Maneuver of Crew Transfer Vessels to Offshore Structures, Multifield Problems, Fluid-Structure Interaction, Partitioned Solution Approach, Maritime Applications, Floating Offshore Wind Turbines, Landing Maneuver of Crew Transfer Vessels to Offshore Structures
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