Autonomous Systems 2017

Typ: Fortschritt-Berichte VDI
Erscheinungsdatum: 28.09.2017
Reihe: 10
Band Nummer: 857
Autor: Herwig Unger, Wolfgang A. Halang (Eds.)
Ort: Hagen
ISBN: 978-3-18-385710-4
ISSN: 0178-9627
Erscheinungsjahr: 2017
Anzahl Seiten: 276
Anzahl Abbildungen: 91
Anzahl Tabellen: 26
Produktart: Buch (paperback, DINA5)


Owing to the overwhelming amount of often sensitive data hitting contemporary users of networked devices almost everywhere, this volume’s two keynote addresses deal with the security and ethical problems of the increasingly intelligent and autonomously acting devices in our environment. Then, light is shed on theoretical, algorithmic, technical and security aspects of big data analytics, data mining, information retrieval and machine learning. As no other area of computer science and engineering, autonomous systems accelerate the development of new systems’ hardware and highly specialised applications with an unprecedented intensity. Thus, the corresponding topics addressed in this book range from computer architectures for embedded systems dedicated to safety-related automation applications and designed for verifiability and correct operation over approaches to suppress electromagnetic interferences and to Interpret experimental data to questions related to their design and development, to building models and investigating their impact on society.

Keywords: Autonomous Systems, Autonomous Driving, Big Data, Data Mining, Architectures, Applications, Security, Safety, Autonomous Systems, Autonomous Driving, Big Data, Data Mining, Architectures, Applications, Security, Safety

95,00 € inkl. MwSt.
85,50 € inkl. MwSt.

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